My-Beads is a Webshop Trustmark Member
Information about Webshop Trustmark. WEBSHOP KEURMERK: AN INDEPENDENT TRUSTMARK In contrary to some other trustmarks, The Foundation Webshop Trustmark (Stichting Webshop Keurmerk) is a 100% independent trustmark. All our member shops are focused on providing quality to consumers and to serve their best interest. In order to assure the independence of the trustmark, its management has been housed in the Foundation Webshop Trustmark (Stichting Webshop Keurmerk). Every shop that is a member of the foundation is obligated to obey both European and Dutch rules and legislation.
One of the most important goals of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk is to
enlarge consumers trust when it comes to shopping on the internet, by
phone, by catalog or by mail order.
Source: Webshop Trustmark, link